Fare Schedule

Current Fare Schedule

Transportation services based on total mileage and includes return service.

Sedan style fare schedule is listed below…

Up to 10 mile radius………………………………..$35

11 mile – 20 mile radius………………….………$55

21 mile – 30 mile radius………………………….$65

31 mile radius and over………. Contact NL Office

Transport Lift Van … Contact for Care assessment(s) and pricing.

Quotes can be submitted for all services (ambulatory and wheelchair).

Naomi’s Love employee will respond to every inquiry for transportation services.

*** Discount Packages and Group Rates Available ***

Get a Quote Estimate

Complete form below for instant quotes for sedan style and lift van fleet.

Naomi’s Love employee will call to assess “Duty of Care” standards for all quotes … (336) 202-1325
Quotes are time-stamped when requested.

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